Why is Iris West-Allen's Speedster Lightning Purple?

Why is Iris' speedster Lightning Purple? Is it because she received her speed in a different way to most other speedsters or is it just for looks. Back in season 3, there was a very brief scene of Jippsy talking to a speedster and when he sped off his lightning was also purple. So is it that if a speedster lightning is purple they didn't receive it from the speed force but from another way like getting their DNA switched with a real speedster. Because in the comics yellow lightning (Barry Allen's) means use the positive speed force, red (Eobard Thawne) means they use the negative speed force, blue (Zooms) means that they have used speed force enhancing drugs and white (Savitar's) means they have been tapped into the speed force for a very very long time. So what do you think that Iris' lightning means is it just for appeal or does it actually represent something?


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